Celebrating public service in honor of Brenda Brady

Brenda Brady was a faithful volunteer in the City of Pateros. Her service started before my time working at the City. However, I know that Brenda Brady, Lucy Baker, Jan Darlington, and Betty Wagoner raised funds and made significant beautification efforts. I don't know all the names of the Pateros Beautification & Garden Club, but I know they were active in the late 80s and 90s. They relandscaped the main entrance at HWY97 and Lakeshore. They also raised money for the aggregate planters in the mall, and planted them for many years. Their type of work stimulated other projects, like the planting of the ash trees down the mall and the donation of the concrete tables and benches. 

Brenda Brady served on the Pateros Tree Board and was a faithful Arbor Day volunteer for over ten years. Brenda and her husband, Councilmember George, were strong advocates for the Tree City USA program and the celebration of Arbor Day in Pateros. Brenda was also active as a friend of the library and was active at the Pateros Museum.

The landscape in front of the library was cleaned up and friends and family replanted with flowers in honor of Brenda.

Brenda Brady Library Planting - Copy